2022 Winners > Winners of Vietnam

Grand Prize

National Awards 1st Prize


Title: Green Blinds

Name: Lê Đức Thịnh

School: Ha Noi University of Civil Engineering

What is the inspiration for your design?
Rapid urbanization has caused apartments' diminished space for function rooms. In big cities, total area for each 2-bedroom apartment is now around 50 square meter. Limited space means smaller bathroom. There is a traditional thought that toilet should be hidden in a house due to its “bad” outward appearance, this design will provide a novel approach as well as solution towards allocating one toilet in a small area apartment and its aesthetic will be the highlight.

Who is the target user and how does the design fulfill the need of the target user?
Family members living together in an apartment with a limited area are struggling to use the shared toilet. Sometimes, they have to wait for each other to use the bathroom.

How does the design fulfill the theme for the chosen category?
The bathroom is located at the entrance to the apartment, making it convenient to go for washing hands, as well as creating a new path accessing the kitchen, which enables "a smooth traffic flow" to operate without overlapping regardless of limited space.

The design is intended to optimize usable area by separating each basic function of washbasin, toilet, and bathroom and making it all possible to use at the same time and easy to clean. Bathroom layout is designed as the “art block” motif when creating different layers: curtain covers one part of the lacquer painting, which is the back part of the mirror.

How does the choice of products contribute to the purpose of the design?
Products application selected for the best performance. With the concept of modern cleanliness, that form is incorporated into the design, making the concept more neat, clean and modern than ever.