2022 Winners > Winners of Vietnam

2nd Prize


Title: Steampunk Bathroom

Name: Nguyễn Linh Trang

School: Ha Noi University of Industrial Fine Arts

What is the inspiration for your design?
In the late 18th century, the first industrial revolution occurred, bringing steam power, commercial products, and technology to essentials in people's daily lives. The glamorous time of urbanization was also to start. Hence, our commonly used appliances and us -the users -strongly connect to each other. This thinking embellishes the idea that the surroundings provoke emotions as we utilize the space.People with a decent look reminisce on how instruments hide their complicated inner design with a delicate outer look. However, the bathroom brings us the opportunity to take off all coverings and enjoy our simple yet true selves. The murmur watering sound passing through the water pipelines could bring people back to the first revolution in which the first industrial machine was born.

Who is the target user and how does the design fulfill the need of the target user?
Space 6m2 compact is suitable for medium households, with familiar design materials and reasonable prices forwidely applied products. The most suitable customers would be young customers who grow up in the century of industry innovation, are unafraid of revolution, and love to have their personal imprint in their houses. This bathroom is most suitable for the Master bedroom of the apartments. A dark glass frame separates the showers, hygienic, and sink. The sinks are arranged side by side with enough space for two users to use. Even in an extended family or when numerous people want to use the bathroom, the area is still organized with enough shelves, together with the mobile tray to make it easy to arrange goods.

How does the design fulfill the theme for the chosen category?
The term 'urbanization' creates a layer of meaning to the subject, suggesting rapid yet neat room space. Not necessary, in my opinion. The bathroom is where we either dress up for work or undress to rest after a long day. Imagine the entire bathroom now becomes a small family factory, and bathing time reflects the maintenance time of the machinery joints. 'Murmur'-'Bicker'-Maintenance done, and we are ready.

How does the choice of products contribute to the purpose of the design?
Kastello Collection shows a charming blend of classicand elegance, recalling the first century industrialization period, and is very suitable for Steampunk style. Moreover, I use the EasySet's shower with a mechanical twist button like previous products instead of high-tech controlling equipment. Finally, to fit the fold in the pipeline, I utilize the selected American Standard products with an explicit and sturdy shape, showing a strong optical illusion.