2022 Winners > Winners of Vietnam

Runner Up


Title: LAND

Name: Nguyễn Hoàng Gia Khánh

School: University of Architecture Ho Chi Minh City

What is the inspiration for your design?
Human life depends on the earth for our sustenance and livelihoods. In the rapidly growing era, our connection to nature seems more tenuous than ever today – a time when we tend to live in luxury urban areas. Especially during the pandemic, it is even more difficult for us to connect with nature when our lives are just within these four walls. That is the reason why, when life is returning to normal after the epidemic has subsided from its peak, people tend to seek things that can help healing them after those stressful and tired days. They want to return to the earth, to be surrounded by nature.

Who is the target user and how does the design fulfill the need of the target user?
The design is for those who want to travel away from the busy cities to become one with nature. Filled with conveniences for a vacation trip, it ensured that the customers will not have to deal with the health and hygiene issues. Moreover, it also brings the customers a sense of simple and peacefull feelings.

How does the design fulfill the theme for the chosen category?
With this health and happiness topic, the design want to bring sustained comfort to the customers with the private yet nature- immersed feelings. It can create a sense of happiness after the trip by combining the raw and the refined of the materials, the colors and the layout of the design.

How does the choice of products contribute to the purpose of the design?
The products from American Standard have a great amount ranges of choices, it helps creating more alternative design plans before selecting the suitable design. The materials and the features of the products make the message easier and clearer to convey.