2022 Winners > Winners of Philippines

Runner Up


Title: Linked Redefining Space for an Interconnected Family

Name: Lira Monica Macula

School: University of Santo Tomas

What is the inspiration for your design?
Due to different factors, such as affordability and its location, condominiums continue to flourish as residence for individuals and families. (Levin, 2021) However, limited space has always been a known concern for condominium living. For families with young children, it is important to consider that the physical environment contribute to the development of a child. (Ferguson et. al, 2013) For this reason, I, as the designer, incorporated details that seeks to promote the individuality of each family member, while also ensuring comfortability. With this, the title for the project is “Linked” to signify that the family is connected together, but still has their own identity.

Who is the target user and how does the design fulfill the need of the target user?
The design aims to provide a comfortable bathroom space to families with young children. It is targeted to answer two concerns of a young family living in a condominium, which is the lack of space and the development of a child. The use of space-saving strategies is critical especially to a growing family as children may learn the concept of personal space through visual clues in their environment. (Innis, 2012) Additionally, details that allows provision of own space for each of the family member was incorporated in order to promote a sense of individuality. Through this, children may be able to develop various abilities, such as independence, self-esteem, and self-discipline. (“Reasons Why It Is so Important to Encourage Independence in Children”, n.d.)

How does the design fulfill the theme for the chosen category?
Condominiums are one of the most popular residential home that emerged because of urbanization. Due to problems with space when living in a condominium, the design of the bathroom aims to provide multiple function. The strategic location of each fixtures and appliances creates a distinction in the space for bath and laundry. For aesthetic and maintenance purposes, the appliance is concealed in a cabinet door. To further maximize area, the remaining space will be utilized as a storage area, which can be used for bathroom and cleaning essentials. Furthermore, material color and tile size creates the perception of a wider space despite the limited area. And lastly, another notable design feature to fit the modern design and as aid for space maximization is the application of curbless transition and a linear drain in the shower area.

How does the choice of products contribute to the purpose of the design?
The Products chosen for this project ensured the appropriateness and cost-effectiveness for a residential bathroom through the use of only the necessary bathroom needs of a family. Each of the products used in the design was essential to reflect the theme of urbanization. The rounded edges of the designs of Acacia Supasleek Vessel and One-Piece Toilet creates a satisfactory and clean visual appeal without the need for exaggerated details, while identical materials of certain products, such as the Acacia Evolution Towel Bar, Towel Ring, Tissue Holder, and Signature Rainshower kit, allows the effortlesss harmony on the overall design of the bathroom.