2023 Winners > Winners of Singapore

3rd Prize


Title: Simple Classic

Name: Lim HuiWen

School: Nanyang Polytechnic

What is the inspiration for your design?
Toilet gets dirty easily due to bacteria and exposure to water and moisture. Thus, cleaning in needed. I had seen how my mother wash the toilet to be clean. It took her quite long. She need to scrub around the toilet bowl placed on the floor, and move the items around on the floor. Therefore, I would like to design the toilet to be washed easier by ensuring all products are off the ground. I also want to bring convenience for different target user. Give them friendly experience of using the toilet. Some part of the design is also based on my own experiences such as using the basin when Im young. My shirt gets wet easily and hard to reach out for the tap. Now, I need to bend down alot to wash my face.

How does the design fulfill the need of the target user?
Different part of the toilet is design specifically. The spray hole allow user to wash their leg as in Singapore, we love to wear slippers or barefoot on ground at home. It’s a hassle to cup the water from the sink and let go to wash the feet. Even though there's shower head to use. We tend to choose to cup the water instead. It also makes it easier for the user to wash the toilet bowl.

How does the design fulfill the design challenge?
The challenge is to design a toilet for a family with elderly and young child (not high to reach out for items). I believe there's still spaces for improvement to cater better for the user. It fulfill by ensuring that it’s wheelchair free like ensuring sufficient space to move around. Children is able to access to any items and same goes to the adults & parents.

How does the choice of products contribute to the purpose of the design?
The product I chosen satisfy the aesthetic needs of the overall looks and vibe. Including other purpose such as ease of cleaning and use.