2023 Winners > Winners of Indochina

3rd Prize


Title: Caring Space

Name: Sonah Seang

School: Royal University of Fine Art

What is the inspiration for your design?
The inspiration of this bathroom design came from the observation of everyday bathroom in most typical high mass housing for mostly they aren’t user friendly for elderly and young children while also on making connection for family members in the house. The inspiration is find a solution for this common problem to make the everyday use of bathroom is more comfortable and enjoyable for every age while ensuring a sustainable looks and function of the space.

How does the design fulfill the need of the target users?
Multi generational living under one roof with elderly (60-70 years) , parent (30-40 years) and young kid (5-10 years) , they need more functional design for individual need.

How does the design fulfill the design challenge?
The challenge is to find the right solutions to usage of elderly people young children in the bathroom while making sure the aesthetic design suits all generation of the family members. This bathroom design address the problem by placing grab bar and shower bench for elderly member and concealing step for young children while using oak wood cladded texture as hierarchical point harmoniously co-exist with neutral colors of porcelain tiles and terrazzo floor and wall making the design aesthetically friendly to all users.

How does the choice of products contribute to the purpose of the design?
The products choice is perfectly fit the design and the idea of the multigenerational bathroom for its minimalistic yet modern looks, cleanliness intergrading well with the material choice and overall mood of the interior while products themselves are well designed and super friendly for user experience making the space is truly a home to love.